The Perfecting Church show

Summary: When you boil it all down there are essentially two ways we see and experience the world. We either see and experience it as a place to give or a place to get. Regardless of which view we have it permeates everything we think, say and do. When we see the world as a place to get we struggle with a heart consumed by lack. Lack convinces us we never have enough of anything. When we're consumed by getting we always feel we don't have enough, whether it be time, resources or something as simple as appreciation. On the other hand, when we see the world as a place to give our eyes are opened to what we have and the vast potential lying dormant around us. While grabbers are consumed with what they lack givers are consumed with gratitude for what they have. In the end our lives are controlled by how we see the world. Is it the place where we give or is it the place where we take?