Temple Hayes - "When Did You Die"

The Tazz and Paula Show show

Summary: Temple Hayes’ incredible book … WHEN DID YOU DIE … wraps up and delivers a new way to embrace life. Delving into what shadows you’ve built into your homestead … Temple calls them condominiums! And, to become more aware of where you have built those walls rather than bridges. Temple indeed stirs your empowerment in order to allow for you to respond in an open hearted way when challenges arrive.   Delving into what shadows you’ve built into your homestead … Temple calls them condominiums! And, to become more aware of where you have built those walls rather than bridges. Temple indeed stirs your empowerment in order to allow for you to respond in an open hearted way when challenges arrive. Temple Hayes, is today one of the most internationally respected and authentically inspiring leaders in spiritual enrichment and a sought-after speaker. She is a Unity minister in St Petersburg, FL with a global following, and an extremely popular radio show called “The International Spirit.” Temple … knows first-hand, what it is to die to your true self and your dreams. She is also the author of two other books, "How to Speak Unity" and "The Right to Be You." Today … we’ll talk about … How to Live Awake, Full, and in the Present moment!!!