To frack, or not to frack?- The Climate Minute Podcast

The Climate Minute show

Summary: Things wrapped up in Lima at COP20 with an agreement that is either good or inadequate. However, Greenpeace apparently went too far and desecrated a famous archeological site in the Andes. This raises questions about the ‘cultural cluelessness’ of some activists. Take for example the on going discussion about the Black Lives movement, environmental  justice and Climate Hawks.There was lots of activity on the energy-in-politics front, see•    NY Guv Cuomo’s decision to ban fracking – did it all start in Dryden?•    Senator McConnell’s plan to vote on KXL (and the response. ) •    Lobsterboat DA's mayoral win •    A new carbon  proposal in the state of Washington•    The President’s declaration on Bristol Bay•    The collapse of the Russian ruble in part from low oil prices.  Lots to think about, but remember, this is the  Winter Solstice , and longer days are coming.See the links at out more  links at our blog, or our Facebook page we recognize the necessity of personal accountability for our actions, because we accept responsibility for building a durable future and because we believe it is our patriotic duty as citizens to speak out, we must insist that the United States put a price on carbon.Thanks for listening.…Ted McIntyreDownload Enhanced Podcast