Five issues that will shape the news of 2015- The Climate Minute Podcast

The Climate Minute show

Summary: What are the underlying issues that will drive climate progress in 2015? We discuss a Congress that denies global warming, low oil prices, the Trans-Pacific partnership, upcoming negotiations in Paris, and the impact of the Pope’s views on global warming.First, we note that Cape Wind is in jeopardy. There seems to be enough momentum behind the wind industry the progress in other areas is likely.Congress is targeting the Keystone pipeline. Read  Dave Roberts who says about the whole controversy that “This is the first time since cap-and-trade that the movement defined a clear fight specifically about climate. They picked something Obama could block and then set out making the case that he should block it. It was something that could could have passed without a blink from anyone, and they charged it with meaning. They marched, protested, organized, wrote, and marched some more. They got big money to enter political races behind the issue. They got key allies to speak out against it. They’ve managed to delay and delay it. They even got Obama to say that he’ll reject it if it has any impact on greenhouse gases. (Imagine that standard applied to all future infrastructure projects!)”It seems the President will veto the bill, but this is just the beginning of a long fight.  Bill McKibben said  “This is a tribute to the millions of people who have made this one of the center pieces of a fast growing climate movement. So far their desire to protect the land and climate have been a match for the fountains of dirty money that constitute the oil industry’s only real argument.”  If you want to find your rep’s phone number, click here, for your Senator, click here.Robert Reich says this about the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)Even better for global companies, the tribunal can order compensation for any lost profits found to result from a nation's regulations. Philip Morris is using a similar provision against Uruguay (the provision appears in a bilateral trade treaty between Uruguay and Switzerland), claiming that Uruguay's strong anti-smoking regulations unfairly diminish the company's profits.What does the acronym INDC mean? “Intended Nationally Determined Contributions.” Say that three times fast! It is a statement of how much carbon each country will promise to cut in the preparation for negotiations in Paris at COP21 next December.Pope Francis is said to be preparing an important statement on climate next year, but will likely anger some conservatives. See the links at out more  links at our blog, or our Facebook page we recognize the necessity of personal accountability for our actions, because we accept responsibility for building a durable future and because we believe it is our patriotic duty as citizens to speak out, we must insist that the United States put a price on carbon.Thanks for listening.…Ted McIntyreDownload Enhanced Podcast