Boehner Speaker, Love Join CBC, Conservatives Lose Their Minds

The Willie Lawson Show show

Summary: It going to be a whole bunch of fun today.  The first of my predictions has come to pass.  John Boehner is still speaker of the house. I tried to tell y'all!  So do not look forward to the repeal of the Affordable Care Act. Get any thought of President Obama being impeached out of your minds. Oh and Mia Love of Utah has decided to join the Congressional Black Caucus. Boy has that sent shockwaves through the conservative "community."  It is funny how liberals don't seem to mind but goodness some of you conservative types are frothing at the mouth about it.  The woman hasn't been in office for 48 hours yet and the RINO term is being tossed about!! Today I will continue to teach you  about the danger of turbulance. I how you will hear what is being said today.