December 27, 2014 | FULL SHOW | #104

Men's Health Live show

Summary: Take off holiday pounds, get a great caffeine fix, fight back against toenail fungus, and hear about a saintly guy named Shaun T... all on this week's MEN'S HEALTH LIVE! Segment 1: Toss the tree, Now! What's Peter Moore's favorite Christmas tradition? He loves to pitch the tree into the woods, and get that fire hazard out of his house! (His mulch pile is stacked with skeletons of Christmas past.) We share our quirky 2014 holiday highlights. Segment 2: Eat Until You Sweat When the Kitas get together, the feast is on! After eating to the point of perspiring, MH editor Paul Kita says he's ready to lose his freshly-gained holiday pounds by taking back control of his kitchen. Segment 3: Naked Cooking (Sort Of) Embrace your inner guy gourmet and take on MH's 31-day Cooking Streak Challenge in January! Paul Kita tells us more before Peter Moore proposes 10 other possible streaks, including a sex streak for fitness! Segment 4: Don't Do Dumb Diets Getting ready to lose weight in the New Year? You're probably going about it all wrong! Lou Schuler joins us to discuss his latest book, "The Lean Muscle Diet," which will teach you how to get the body you want and keep the weight off for good. Segment 5: Fad Diets = Bad Diets Are you ready to make a change, start losing weight, and gain muscle in 2015? "Lean Muscle Diet" author Lou Schuler explains what to look for in a nutrition and workout plan that you can stick with for life. Segment 6: More Muscle, Less Fat "Lean Muscle Diet" author Lou Schuler explains why losing muscle mass while losing weight can be a recipe for disaster. Segment 7: Get Your Caffeine Kick Need a giant mug of coffee to jump start your day? Former NASA Engineer Mark Rober has crunched the numbers to determine the optimal amount of caffeine you need to run at max efficiency. Segment 8: From NASA to YouTube Mark Rober left his dream job as a NASA rocket scientist to pursue costume design. His mind-blowing creations, which you can see at, meld fashion, humor, and tech for a result that will have you saying, "How the $#@% did he do that!?" Segment 9: Go Jolt Yourself How much caffeine do you need to get the jolt you're looking for? MH writer Mark Rober has done the math to help you stay bright-eyed and bushy-tailed all day long. Segment 10: Is Juice Junk Food? Is your juice full of crap? MH writer Julie Stewart tells us why you should never be fooled by flashy graphics when buying juice. Segment 11: Toenail Fungus Among Us Are you in the midst of a battle with toenail fungus? Dr. Lauren Ploch deciphers the mystery behind the fungus among us, and explains why you should get it treated by a doctor right away! Segment 12: Saint Shaun T. Peter Moore is nominating new "INSANITY Workout" creator and MH cover guy, Shaun T. for Sainthood. Find out why Peter says Shaun is a modern-day miracle worker.