Daily Meditations for Healthy Sexuality to Repair SA with Carol the Coach

Sexual Addiction:Strength/Hope/Recovery show

Summary: Carol the Coach interviews Alex Katehakis, CSAT, who has made it her mission to help sex addicts and their partners to find healthy sexuality again. Mirror of Intimacy contains a year's worth of daily reflections that explore and support the range of human sexualities as a divine gift and a human right. The reflections reference a rich array of approaches: attachment theory, mind/body nexus, neurobiology, 12-step principles, meditation techniques, Eastern and Western philosophy, and ancient world myths. Unfettered by cultural, social, or religious norms, we set our intention to examine 366 topics related to sex and sexuality.  A reader writes,"As a psychologist, I am happy to have this magnificent creation to use with clients and patients leading to their enrichment, joy and celebration of life. The book will soon be one of the important therapeutic tools in our field." It's a promise--these pages will erotically enlighten you and your world!