ReCast: 1775 the Boardgame Wargaming Recon #115

Podcasts – Wargaming Recon show

Summary: Hope you enjoy the first of two “Best of” 2014 episodes. This one focuses on the board game 1775: Rebellion. Originally released on June 9, 2014 the episode discussed the game, how to play, and why you should want to play it. This ReCast sheds further light on why I LOVE 1775 and why you should too. In fact I will be playing this today to celebrate my 33rd birthday! If you’re listening to this on Dec 22nd, I hope you’ll send positive birthday thoughts my way. Don’t worry! We’ll be back with NEW episodes of Wargaming Recon in 2015. 1775 the Boardgame Some games are so good that they grip you from the very beginning. 1775: Rebellion by Academy Games is one such game. If you can’t get it near you why not pick up a copy from our Amazon affiliate link: Buy 1775: Rebellion by Academy Games. Support Jonathan through PATREON Thanks to Listener Jamie for being our very first Patreon Patron! If you like what we do and want to show your support why not become a Patron for as little as $1 per episode. Mailbag Patron Jamie used our Facebook page to share his thoughts about the Top 10 Episodes of 2014. “I’m actually listening to the Henery Hyde episode right now, great stuff. I’m new to Wargaming Recon, but have caught all of the Top 5 so far. I’ll listen to the other half now in the lead up to your 2015 season.” Do you have questions, comments, or constructive feedback? Then please share it with us on Facebook, Twitter, or via e-mail at iTunes Reviews Josh Weaver from the UK left a 4 star review titled Cheers saying “Thanks for an excellent podcast! I’ve only recently discovered the podcast and I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the quality of the cast and the dedication to improving that quality…all in all a great podcast! Happy gaming” We’re up to 10 ratings with an average score of 4.3 stars! Please take the time to REVIEW the show on iTunes. It helps others to find our show and it also helps to grow the hobby. Thank you to those who have rated and reviewed us. Do You Like Wargaming Recon? If you like what you hear and you use iTunes to get our content we ask a favor of you. Please consider reviewing us on iTunes. iTunes is one of the most popular ways for listeners to find podcasts. Why not help a potential new listener find our show and help grow the hobby? Review us on iTunes Announcements Over the years I’ve had a variety of guests on the show. Now I need to know who YOU want me to have on the show. Please CONTACT ME with who you want me to get on the show. If you can share their contact information or an introduction that is even better. Episode Guide Tells You What’s in the Pipe Final “Best of” episode releases Jan 5, 2015. 2015 PODCAST SEASON BEGINS JAN 19, 2015 with Ep 128. Some Reminders: Read the Episode Guide for sneak peeks at future episodes. We suggest Mobile Users to use Pocket Casts ($1.99 for iOS, Lite version is FREE). Subscribe to us on iTunes Troll in the Corner Podcast Network Wargaming Recon belongs to the Troll in the Corner Podcast Network (TCPN). You may like some of the other shows on the network. Indie Talks – bi-monthly on Wednesdays covering independent games, film, television. Includes many interviews. Hosted by Trollitc owner Ben Gerber. Monsters of the Shattered World – monthly on the last Saturday. Story of a young scholar encountering strange animals on another world. Promos for the TCPN podcasts appear at the end of the show. Many thanks to Jeremy Kostiew, Troll ITC’s logo designer, for the amazing logos. Check out his portfolio at Proudly Sponsors Wargaming Recon Need gaming supplies? Please consider our sponsor, Penny for Your Thoughts We hope you enjoy this episode of Wargaming Recon and welcome your feedback. Send it all[...]