Episode 118 Christmas is COOOOMING....

caithnesscraftcollective show

Summary: Its almost here. Christmas 2014. Brought to you by Louise, Daisy and the dogs. I used Your Home Christmas made easy 2014 magazine to help us organise better. Quite a good buy for this and future years.www.lovefoodhatewaste.com for excellent food ideas.To wrap presents like a professional go look at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fh_Rg6e4SY8&feature=youtu.be and realise 'I've been doing it wrong my entire life'.Sign up for the Caithness Craft Collective Retreat on Ravelry. All the information is there.Natalie Servant competition - go to the Ravelry thread and answer 'What is your favourite art deco building?' to win a copy of her wonderful new eBook http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/sources/canadian-art-deco-knits to get it now.Mum Mum Mum sectionShoppy Section www.etsy.com/shop/caithnesscraftBla Bla Blahhhhh Sectioncaithnesscraftcollective@gmail.com  Raverly as LouiseHunt  CaithnessCraft on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter  LouiseJ2010 on Flickr and www.caithnesscraftcollective.podbean.com for podcast feed.Music is from Bunny Sigler with Hark the Herald Angels Sing from www.musicalley.comHappy Holidays.