Andy Smarick of Bellwether Education

Ed Reform Minute show

Summary: Andy Smarick, a Partner at Bellwether Education Partners, talks about his book, The Urban School System of the Future. He also comments on his articles about the 2013 NAEP results and rural schools in America. Andy Smarick works in Bellwether’s Thought Leadship practice. Andy most recently served as Deputy Commissioner of Education of the State of New Jersey where he helped lead initiatives including the state’s successful ESEA waiver and Race to the Top 3 applications, the launching of new teacher evaluations, and an overhaul of the department’s charter school authorizing. Andy previously served as Deputy Assistant Secretary at the U.S. Department of Education and at the White House Domestic Policy Council, and has worked for Congress and the Maryland state legislature. Other roles include Distinguished Visiting Fellow at the Thomas B. Fordham Institute, Adjunct Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, and Chief Operating Officer of the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools.Today's music was provided by Jolee Patkai.For the latest in education reform news, check ChoiceMedia.TV. For free karma points, tell a friend about the Ed Reform Minute podcast. © 2013 Choice Media