Transformed, Part 6: Financial Health - Transforming How I See & Use Money, Dec 7, 2014

The Rock of KC show

Summary: Truth: If you don't manage your money - it will manage you! Important to note: 1. Jesus did not praise the man's dishonesty!. He praised his Shrewdness! 2. You can still learn & benefit from others w/o approving of everything they do! 2 reasons Jesus told it: 1. His audience was the Pharisees! Culture esteems money, possessions, status, power, prestige, things money can buy 2. Many believers are poor money managers! WHAT NOT TO DO WITH MONEY 1. DON'T WASTE IT 2. DON'T LOVE IT OR LIVE FOR IT - LOVE PEOPLE. Use money 3. DON'T TRUST IT FOR SECURITY - God's love can never be taken away! 4. DON'T EXPECT IT TO SATISFY! 5 COUNTER-CULTURE TRUTHS ABOUT MONEY Everyday, remember... 1. IT ALL BELONGS TO GOD! 2. GOD IS USING MONEY TO TEST ME. 3. MONEY IS A TOOL TO BE USED FOR GOD'S PURPOSES 4. THE BEST USE IS TO USE IT GETTING PEOPLE TO HEAVEN. 5. ONE DAY I'LL GIVE AN ACCOUNT TO GOD Let's do some honest self-evaluation now. * Does God really have first place in my life?. * Can God trust me with what he's has allowed me to have? * Is the way I'm using my money show God that I can be trusted with more? * What or how much am I investing for eternity? * Who will be in heaven because of me?