Episode 125// Now Is Now


Summary: Happy New Year, Sweet People!Thank you for sharing your practice with the Sunrose Yoga Community.I am really excited to share this week's class with you. I taught this class right as my daughter and I finished reading Little House in the Big Woods, by Laura Ingalls Wilder. Such a good book. I have so many memories of this series as a child-- partially because I grew up not too far from Laura Ingalls Wilder's childhood home in Burr Oak, Iowa, which we visited a few times. Anyhow, in spite of having read this book as a child, I had forgotten the mindful presence of its words and was particularly struck by the final paragraphs. Now is now. And now is the best time because now cannot be forgotten. This has become a kind of mantra for me in this season. Now is now.Do any of you remember when this podcast was called Samadhi Rush? It was. I've decided to return to our roots and over the next couple of months the podcast will make the transition. Not much will change for you as a listener and reader, but for me it feels like I am reclaiming my reasons for starting down this path to begin with. (More on that later. Promise.)This is an all-levels class with a deep core focus. So glad you could join us for practice.All love to you in 2015.LOVE Gratitude to you all! Thank you for being here.News//Want to take your practice to a deeper level? Join us for Whole Yoga: The Other 7 Limbs, an online experience designed to invite you to experience your practice in a completely new way.3 very committed yogis can schedule one-on-one work with me in the first half of 2015. 6 months of super-deep inquiry will take your practice to the next level. Learn more and apply here.I am so grateful to be a contributor to Grounded Magazine. The winter issue is now available. I shared an illustration and meditation called "We Inherit the Breath." I would love for you to check it out.Connections//Thank you for the sweetest emails in the world, dear friends. I LOVE hearing from you. We are a family! Keep ‘em coming.email: sunroseyoga @ gmail . comvoicemail:  503-583-2599twitter: http://twitter.com/kellysunroseinstagram: http://instagram.com/kelly_sunroseSupport//Thank you to everyone who has donated to the podcast! You make this possible!If you enjoy this podcast, please consider donating via paypal (secure) by clicking here. Your support helps make this podcast possible. I hope to continue offering this podcast for free and your donation today can help make that happen. I truly am honored to have you as a listener and fellow yogi. BLESSINGS.