Elite Force Podcast 12-1-14 (Walkies Early Barthday Gift) Now Archived


Summary: An Early Birthday Gift has Hit<br> Walkies Lap and it’s Time to Party<br> Big Time<br> The Weekend Elite Force Podcast is Back<br> On This Episode (December 8th)<br> .Walkie Open The Show in a Happy Mood as he<br> gave his Thoughts on news of Bob Orci being<br> Removed from directing duties on the<br> Star Trek Film<br> .Walkie Rviewed the Trailer for Terminator<br> Genisys<br> .A Former Doctor Who star Joins Star Trek Continues<br> .Author of The Prestige slams Christopher Nolan’s<br> Batman films<br> .Fox Green Light Starts ‘Independence Day’ Sequel Countdown<br> It’s Time to Party on This The Weekend Elite Force Podcast<br> <a href="http://www.snsradionetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/EFP_12814pod.png"></a><br>