EFP Presents: Walkies Christmas Party


Summary: it’s Christmas Day<br> a Time to enjoy with family and to Open<br> Open lots of Gifts.<br> and As a Gift The Elite Force Podcast Presents<br> Walkie’s Christmas Party<br> On This Episode (December 25th Christmas Day)<br> On This Christmas Day Walkie takes you on a Journey<br> though his list of favourite Sci-fi Music from TV, Movies<br> and Video Games from<br> .Superman The Movie<br> .Star Wars<br> .Highlander<br> .Super Mario Galaxy<br> .Halo<br> .Uncharted<br> .Super Metroid<br> .Wing Commander<br> .Star Trek<br> .The Transformers<br> .Dune<br> .Power Rangers<br> .Doctor Who<br> So Sit back and Relax as The Party is Just Started<br> and Hope you have a Merry Christmas From The Elite Force Podcast<br> <a href="http://www.snsradionetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/EFP_WalkiesPartypod.png"></a><br>