Nick Redfern – The Roswell Slides and Hacked Researchers

Radio Misterioso show

Summary: In the past few months, much has been made in certain quarters about the recent surfacing of slide film supposedly depicting dead aliens from the Roswell crash. The so-called “dream team” of researchers who are keeping their findings about these artifacts under wraps until they say that they can authenticate them conclusively have still not been forthcoming with any new information.<br> Nick was on the show to discuss the recent hacking of his personal computer and online accounts by a mysterious person or group. The members of the Roswell research group were also affected. Nick reports that two years before the announcement of the existence of the slides, he was contacted by an individual asking how much he thought that the images were worth. The fact that this person went to UFO researchers rather than a more mainstream media outlet (or was rejected by them first) is telling. Nick and I both agreed that the slides, even if “authentic” would prove very little to those outside of the UFO research community.<br> During the second half of the show we discussed Nick’s upcoming Men In Black book and how UFO study could most likely not reinvent itself to make any headway towards solving the mystery. It would also do little to gain mainstream respectability, which I contend is not worth the struggle.<br> A fun talk with a lot of laughs from an old friend of mine and a singular voice on parnaormal topics.<br>