Progressive Commentary Hour - 01.06.15

Progressive Commentary Hour show

Summary: CONVERSATIONS WITH REMARKABLE MINDSThe physics of angels: a postmodern dialogue between science and spiritualityDr. Sheldrake has written extensively on morphogenic theory since the publication “A New Science in Life “in 1981.  His book “Science Set Free” is a thorough critique of the flaws in the dominant mechanistic scientific model. His website is Dr. Rupert Sheldrake is a British biochemist and plant physiologist who has experimented with innovative field theory in plants and animals, including humans, to account for the causative formation of the deeper structures of biological development and collective consciousness.  His research has included efforts to reach a greater understanding of memory, perception and cognition as well as the forces that unfolds an organism.   Over the past several decades Rupert developed his theory of morphic resonance and morphogenic fields.  While in India, he became a close associate of the late Father Bede Griffiths – an internationally renowned Dominican monk, mystic and spokesperson for interspiritual dialogue between religions.Reverend Matthew Fox is one of the today’s most progressive theologians and spiritual visionaries today. He is the founding theologian behind what is called today Creation Spirituality – an ecumenical and interspiritual theology that posits life as an original blessing. For years, former Pope Benedict XV!, then known as Cardinal Ratzinger (the chief inquisitor and head of the Vatican’s Congregation of Doctrine and Faith) attempted to silence Rev. Fox, which eventually led to his being expelled from the Dominican Order and his subsequent joining the Anglican Church. Later he founded YELLA-WE, an inner city project in Oakland California to bring youth together with elders for learning and wisdom Matt is the author of over 30 books on theology, biblical exegesis, mysticism, interfaith dialogue, education, gender issues, cosmology and other topics, including “The Pope’s War” and “The Hidden Spirituality of Men.” His website is MatthewFox.orgTogether Rev Fox and Dr. Sheldrake have published a new release – “The Physics of Angels: Exploring the Realm Where Science and Spirit Meet.”