Guild Wars Reporter Episode 133 – Hello, Deer! (OR… Let’s Speculate, Liches!)

Guild Wars Reporter show

Summary: Celeste and Allona are well rested and ready to get this new year started! Luckily there was a fair bit to talk about, including the recent trailer for the final installment of Season 2: Point of No Return! Audio Version What We Did This Week   Allona As seen on our Twitch livestream: Wintersday Success! 13.5K chest! Honestly, did a little (or a lot in some cases) of everything … including -- duh duh duuuh -- PvP! On PvP: I am genuinely surprised how much fun it is! Obviously, I’ve only played unranked arenas, but the atmosphere has been a lot friendlier than I expected. There has been some stupid map/team chat for sure, but it is way more infrequent than I expected. Currently rank 19 / Deer! Celeste and me are the saaaaammme! (C: We’s the same! Almost, I’m rank 18) - and I finished TWO reward tracks already! Wintersday was first and I chose the rhime-rimmed aqua breather (NO REGRETS!!!); and the Kryta track because I wanted to start unlocking the regional tracks. On that one I got me very first ascended ‘drop’ from one of the champ bags!!!! The Red Ring of Death. \o/ Made 2nd mesmer (Sad Half Jump McGee) Bought a fair amount of things (both on sale and not … bought the Arctic explorer’s outfit right before it went on sale ~table flip~ Re-did Tilde, my warrior: New hair, new armour skin Made the ascended tempered spinal blades! Weeeeeeee! Guild missions with TWiT guild Temple run with Hunter Fungeons and Fractals … whew! Celeste Wintersday Stuff Jumping Puzzle Pain… More than 140 attempts and I never even got the middle of it Wintersday Meta done & Hungry Star thing (which is crappy b/c I made a bunch of stars for my November monthly and now I don’t have any fragments, and I think I could break them down but I don’t want to take a loss) Ended up choosing the medium rebreather, I’m going to use it on my engineer I think Also got a Mini Princess Doll b/c they’re pretty adorable. Finished my December Monthly after much harassment from Hunter (edit: and Allona) 8.5k chest Did some Thief PvP… Ok, more than “some” I’ve had a bit of luck with the class but I’m definitely not the best thief on my team, even when I’m the only thief on my team.   Livestreaming Wednesday’s at 9:30pm EST/6:30pm PST at You can also subscribe to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes! Remember to rate and/or review Guild Wars Reporter.   Report from Lion’s Arch   Trailer for Point of No Return C: I kinda like how they’ve been teasing this ‘point’ since the beginning of the season. A: Agreed. It’s been a consistent companion to this season which has been a good move. “Time is running out: the Pact Fleet is poised to launch, and Glint’s egg is still missing. You have one last memory seed to plant, and the search through Caithe’s past has led you to a cave sealed shut with strange magic. The time for truth has come. Find a way to break the seal, enter the cave, and learn what happened all those years ago.” Giant undulating purple flower thing? C: Oh that’s supposed to be the thing we scouted for? Braham, Eir, Zoijja, and Logan together at the Pact camp Ascension runes on the serpent wall thing and a portal that goes… somewhere. A: Wooden Potatoes made a really good point about the serpents: The Forgotten (a race of snake people) governed the rights of ascension in GW1: Prophecies OMFG. OMFG. OMFG. HYPE TRAIN. Is that Turai Ossa in the Priory?! A: That does seem to be the prevailing theory! Which … EEEEEEEEEEE! Caithe and her weird eyes in the past, assuming it’s the seed we get to plant next Lane fighting to a new world boss encounter? A: MMO Inks on The Salvage Kit has speculated this could be a Marionette 2.0 style fight. Vines in camp resolve… surprising no one. The Return of Mini Mordy