Action Adventure Novels and Stories by Poke Runyon

The Hermetic Hour show

Summary: On Thursday January 15th, 2015 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a review and reprise of the host's own writing career as a novelist, short story writer and screenwriter. After three years in the Army most in Special Forces, Poke started off in 1965 with Night Jump - Cuba 1965 followed by Commando X in 1967 and a series of underwater adventure stories in ARGOSY magazine, on to Hollywood and a short stint as a screenwriter before getting a real job as a designer and technical illustrator for Shelby American and on to a career as an industrial artist. Eventually publishing his own fiction with Drell Master 2001 and From the Tower of Darkness in 2002 So if you enjoy macho action adventure stories or ever did, tune in and find out what old Frater Thabion writes about other than magick.