Shinzan Palma: 01-07-2015: Peaceful Dwelling

Upaya Zen Center's Dharma Podcast show

Summary: Episode Description: Shinzan offers the first Dharma Talk of 2015 by sharing his and some of the buddha ancestors' wisdom about Ango. Ango means "peaceful dwelling" and describes an intensive period of practice having it's origins in the time of Shakyamuni Buddha. During practice period we create a container as has been created by numerous people throughout the history of Buddhism. Dogen Zenji calls it "to meet the ancestors." Ango is a time for us to sit, walk, work, eat and rest together. The only thing we must do is to follow the schedule and be in the moment with one's body, mind and breath. Bio: Shinzan Palma was born in Veracruz, Mexico. He has been practicing Zen since 1996. He met his former teacher, Korean Master Samu Sunim, in Mexico City and trained under his guidance for 8 years. He did a residential training for 4 years at the Zen Buddhist Temple in Toronto, Canada and was ordained as a novice priest by Samu Sunim in 2004. After leaving Canada, he was invited by Roshi Joan Halifax to come to Upaya in 2006. Shinzan asked Roshi to be her student and he was re-ordained as a Priest in 2007 by Roshi Joan Halifax. Since then, he has been at Upaya practicing with the community. He is now Head Priest and Temple Coordinator, giving guidance to the residents on Zen training. He became Dharma holder in March, 2010. He has a sincere and strong heart committed to the Dharma.