Irene Kaigetsu Bakker & Shinzan Palma: 01-10-2015: The Song of Zazen

Upaya Zen Center's Dharma Podcast show

Summary: Episode Description: Sensei Irène and (soon to be Sensei) Shinzan share their interpretation and thoughts on Hakuin Zenji's "Song of Zazen." Sensei Irène opens by offering a brief biography of Hakuin. Then she and Shinzan delve into Hakuin's well known, classic Zen poem. Noting the similarity between "Song of Zen" and Dogen's "Fukanzazengi", Shinzan believes that "they are the same teaching with different expression, getting into the core." One such similarity pointed out by both works is that intrinsically all beings, by nature, are buddha and are awakened. Hakuin says: "just as ice, by nature, is water." Sensei and Shinzan continue their exploration stressing Hakuin's assertion that "Nirvana is right here, right now, before our eyes. This very body the body of buddha." One should ask themselves: "What is there we lack?" Bio: Irène Kaigetsu Kyojo Bakker is a certified zen teacher from the Netherlands, a Zen priest and Dharma successor of Joan Jiko Halifax Roshi. She has been a student of Zen in the White Plum Sangha tradition since the mid-80s. Irène Sensei first met Roshi Joan Halifax in Auschwitz in 1996 and they had a strong connection. Irène Sensei then became involved in Upaya's Zen training and Being with Dying training. In 2004, Roshi Joan asked her to continue her training on death and dying in Europe. Every summer, Sensei assisted teaching at Upaya Zen Center. In Holland Sensei serves as teacher for Zen Spirit, which she founded in 2004. As family and systems therapist, she works with people with cancer, end of life care, in psychiatry, and private therapy practice. As a mindfulness trainer she teaches future MBSR trainers at the College / School for Social Work in Utrecht, Netherlands. Shinzan Palma was born in Veracruz, Mexico. He has been practicing Zen since 1996. He met his former teacher, Korean Master Samu Sunim, in Mexico City and trained under his guidance for 8 years. He did a residential training for 4 years at the Zen Buddhist Temple in Toronto, Canada and was ordained as a novice priest by Samu Sunim in 2004. After leaving Canada, he was invited by Roshi Joan Halifax to come to Upaya in 2006. Shinzan asked Roshi to be her student and he was re-ordained as a Priest in 2007 by Roshi Joan Halifax. Since then, he has been at Upaya practicing with the community. He is now Head Priest and Temple Coordinator, giving guidance to the residents on Zen training. He became Dharma holder in March, 2010. He has a sincere and strong heart committed to the Dharma.