119 – King Penda: No Posers

The British History Podcast show

Summary: So where were we?<br> <br> Oswiu had arranged for the murder of his cousin, which is awkward in itself… but the slain King Oswine was also related to Eanflaed, Oswiu’s wife. So… even if Oswiu wasn’t fussed about kinslaying, chances are that dinner still had suddenly become a lot more awkward following that rather underhanded victory. So perhaps to appease Eanflaed, or maybe to keep the Deirans happy… Oswiu built a monastery at the location of Oswine’s murder at Gilling.<br> <br> <br> <br> <a href="http://www.thebritishhistorypodcast.com/show-your-support" rel="payment">Support the Show</a>