The Manic Musical Worlds of Nick Kroll

Soundcheck show

Summary: Nick Kroll is the creator and star of Kroll Show on Comedy Central.  "What is Kroll Show," you ask?'s like...It's a "sketch-uational comedy" series now in its third and final season that features foot-fetishizing Latino rappers trapped in TV's, pubescent lust-driven hoodlums, psychotically-paced infomercials from ambiguous East Asian countries, mountains of tuna salad, and one very tall publicity agent with an Adam's apple.   Kroll Show's frenetic pacing and absurdist humor takes aim at hyperactive TV culture in all its forms. But Kroll isn't just making fun to make fun. "Our show is both parody and it's celebration," he says. "The best satire is when you love it, because when you love it, the more you study it and bring out the best that's inside it." Kroll and his team have clearly studied and loved a wide panoply of musical artists, whom they've lovingly-ish incorporated into the upside-down world of Kroll Show. Featured prominently in his gallery of idiot man-boys and self-absorbed would-be superstars are musicians like Bryan LaCroix, a Bieber-esque teen soap actor who longs to be taken seriously as a sexy singing idol; Nash Rickey, a washed up and stoned out holdover from the Poison-era rock world of leopard prints and leather vests; and Señor Feeture, a Pitbull-modeled rapper who is trapped inside a green screen and is able to guest on any music video of his choice.  In a conversation with Soundcheck host John Schaefer, Kroll talks about the real life inspirations behind his bizarre characters, talks about his love of all things pop culture, and explains that the guy who loves cheesy reality television actually thinks of jazz as his guilty pleasure.  Click here for the full collection of music featured on Kroll Show.  Watch Kroll Show at 10:30 ET on Tuesdays on Comedy Central.