The Lap of Luxury - Say Yes To Yourself and the Meaningful Work You Love

EFT Radio  show

Summary: Receiving Luxury into your life is Saying YES to yourself and this is a practice. During this show I'll talk about how to practice saying "Yes" to yourself by saying yes to luxury and nurturing and how this can help you start stepping into the meaningful work you love.  By allowing yourself to Receive more good and nurturing in your life, you'll learn how to open yourself up to allowing the space for meaningful work.  Career Coach Marti Murphy knows firsthand the emotional roller coaster that comes with making a profound life change and the identity issues that can surface. As a Certified EFT Practitioner and Certified Abundance Coach  Marti is highly skilled at identitfying the limiting beliefs blocking you and freeing them so you can create a success outcome and live your passion. Marti would love to hear from you. Call her at 505-220-0295 if you would like more information about her coaching programs. If you’re ready to Take the Big Leap and Leave the Job You Hate for the Work You Love, Marti has a FREE gift for you. To claim yours, simply visit: