The Last Judgment: Perception's End and Mind Awakes with A Course in Miracles

EFT Radio  show

Summary: What is the Last Judgment? Is God’s Judgment like our own that appears to condemn? Or does it set us free from all error in perception, awakening the mind from its dream of separation to truth? What makes a fearful world of separation is a mind that has judged it self to be different and separate from its Source. The end to this dream of fear is the Last Judgment, and our mind’s final recognition of its error, which had no effect on truth. “This is God’s Final Judgment: ‘You are still My holy Son, forever innocent, forever loving and forever loved, as limitless as your Creator, and completely changeless and forever pure.’” Pg. 455 Lessons. Today, with Eloisa Ramos and the guidance of Lessons  311 to 320 of ACIM, we accept God’s Last Judgment which makes subjective perception pointless.  For we can judge and believe we are anything we want; and so, we will see it reflected back in the world, but it has no effect on truth. “Christ’s Second Coming gives the Son of God this gift; to hear the Voice for God proclaim that what is false is false, and what is true has never changed. And this the judgment is in which perception ends.” Pg. 455 Lessons. For more information about Eloisa Ramos, her book Beyond Self-esteem: Discovering Your Boundless Self-worth, EFT and to download a free flowchart of the Ramos Clearing Technique; visit