Independent Underground Radio LIVE - Michigan's Progressive Talk 1/6 @ 9pm ET

Independent Underground Radio LIVE (IURL) show

Summary: Welcome to Independent Underground Radio LIVE - MICHIGAN'S TOP POLITICO PODCAST - Aired each Tuesday & Thursday at 9pm ET.  Happy New Year!!! On The Program: Welcome to 2015 as IURL Broadcast our first show of the New Year and we will talk about all the news missed while on our annual Holiday Hiatus, but first: We welcome back onto the show our resident International and Domestic Security Guru, Yoda from! Don't miss the show as we discuss with Yoda issues with the NYPD, some of its' Citizenry and Mayor Bill de Blasio, what's up with the Cold War gamesmanship with the U.S. and North Korea, plus much more! As the former Secretary of Michigan's failed Educational Achievement Authority (EAA) before running for "Mayor", now Mike Duggan is trying to do a flip/flop of the highest order of distance, saying the EAA is a failure on WDIV Flashpoint over the weekend. Yet, Duggan a "Democrat in name only" emceed GOP MI Gov. Rick Snyder's 2nd inauguration January 1st and rumor has it, Duggan plans on running for Michigan Governor in 2018 as a DEMOCRAT! What up here with this mess? We'll discuss. Host Monica RW is an owner/writer for the popular Independent Underground News website, media consultant for ROJS Media LLC, a experienced grassroots and elected local political leader, and brings her researched Independent opinions to the political issues of the day. Call into the show with your thoughts and opinions at 347-934-0185 or tweet us @IUNewsTalk. Follow our blog Independent Underground News & Talk (IUNT) at: http:/// Join Us on Twitter: Become our latest Facebook Fan: