Back to Basics: Blogging

The Music Entrepreneur show

Summary: Why do musicians need a blog? What should they be writing about? In this Back to Basics episode of DAWCast: Music Entrepreneurship, David Andrew Wiebe explores the importance of having a blog as a musician and how it can support their marketing. Blogging The world of blogging has changed a lot over time. Many people used to use their blog to chronicle their lives and let their visitors know about updates on their website. While these are not bad ways to use your blog, they won't necessarily help your marketing or online presence. Many people today use search engines to find answers to their questions and solutions to their problems. If you want to be discovered in search, you may want to think about how you can serve others with your blog. To create a focused content strategy, musicians should limit their output to a few select topics or keywords. It is okay to try a variety of different things with your blog, but if you can keep creating content around two or three subjects on an ongoing basis, you can establish a reputation for providing regular, value-adding content on those topics. This is also a great way to cut through the noise. A blog is also a great tool for engaging your audience and building relationships with them. You can use social media to accomplish the same ends, but a blog gives you the opportunity to go beyond the surface and create deeper connections. Credits: MUSIC: Beau Hall, “Sugar Rush” MUSIC: “Ecstatic”, David Andrew Wiebe © 2009 Listeners: Feel free to leave a comment below. Send your questions and comments to We will use them on the show! Help us spread the word about this podcast by leaving a positive rating and review in iTunes. Help us spread the word about this podcast by posting a tweet.