#043: Lewis David Levin Interview – L&L Production Group and Shakti Deva

The Music Entrepreneur show

Summary: In episode 43 of DAWCast: Music Entrepreneurship, David Andrew Wiebe and Anna Mae Alexander interview Lewis David Levin of L&L Production Group and Levin Provides insights into the spiritual and philosophical, and how our mindset can affect the outward manifestations we experience in life. Tweet This Quote: Creativity – the urge to create – is a God-given thing. http://t.co/mXIxqIjFE8— David Andrew Wiebe (@Dawmusic) May 16, 2014 Lewis David Levin Interview This episode of the podcast features the most talk on spirituality and how it affects our outer world since episode 6 and episode 11 of the show. Levin provides valuable insights into the value of serving others, and why self-serving projects are still valid as an artist. According to Levin, earning a living in music is a challenging - if not an impossible - task. The world isn't necessarily friendly to musicians or creative people, as the work we do is often seen as self-serving. However, it is welcomed when it serves and adds value to others. People are creative beings, and you can't stop people from creating. The urge to create is God-given. How we channel and shape that creativity is up to us. We can choose what we do with it. Artists can't fake who they are. They have to be true to themselves if they want their artistic expression to resonate. They can't force themselves to be something they are not. When artists are true to who they are, they can find the careers and fulfillment they are looking for. Music is a business, and many artists don't understand this reality. This does not mean that business should be embraced, but artists hoping to achieve success need to know this if they want to position themselves to achieve stardom. There has never been a better time to be an artist. Artists can use whatever distribution channels they want to get their music out there, which gives everyone a level playing field. Anybody can find their 15 minutes of fame if they are willing to work at it. If you can be creative and serve others, you will be successful. There will be much gratification in it. Nevertheless, it can be hard to find that balance. The age we live in requires us to continually learn and to grow. No one can rest on their laurels. We all have to challenge ourselves and continue to go to school every single day. Show Notes: GUEST INTERVIEW: Lewis David Levin - L&L Production Group | YouTube Channel | Shakti Deva Anna mentions Video Games Live Lewis mentions The Secret by Rhonda Byrne Not all products referenced here are necessarily recommended by David Andrew Wiebe or Anna Mae Alexander. For a list of tools, services and products that David Andrew Wiebe personally endorses, visit the resources page. Credits: HOSTS: Anna Mae Alexander, David Andrew Wiebe Listeners: Feel free to leave a comment below. Send your questions and comments to comments@daw-music.com. We will use them on the show! Help us spread the word about this podcast by leaving a positive rating and review in iTunes. Help us spread the word about this podcast by posting a tweet.