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The Music Entrepreneur show

Summary: Should every musician have a podcast? Is it a vital marketing tool for building one's music career? In this episode of DAWCast: Music Entrepreneurship, David Andrew Wiebe discusses what a podcast is, what its advantages are, and how it can be used as a promotional medium for one's music. Podcasting In general, musicians probably haven't thought about starting their own podcast to promote their career activities. It can be a bit of a time-sink, but it does have several advantages. Consider the following: A podcast runs on a RSS feed. When your audience subscribes to your feed, they automatically receive new updates as you upload new content. A podcast is a great way to stay in touch with your audience, communicate with them, and build a relationship with them. Your audience will engage with your podcast for longer than they are likely to stay on your website. Your podcast can be just about any length, and the listeners who like your content will stay until the very end. The two major challenges with starting a podcast are cost and effort. The good news is that it doesn't have to cost a lot to start a podcast. Studio equipment and microphones have come down in price, and as result, home recording is more affordable accessible than it ever was. If you want to invest in good quality gear, you will still have to spend more, however. If your personal bandwidth is already stretched, starting a podcast may go contrary to your instincts. The recording, editing, producing, distributing and marketing of a podcast can take a significant amount of effort and time. Nevertheless, if you can find a way to streamline and consolidate your promotional efforts, podcasting can still fit into your marketing puzzle. Credits: MUSIC: Beau Hall, “Sugar Rush” MUSIC: “Ecstatic”, David Andrew Wiebe © 2009 Listeners: Feel free to leave a comment below. Send your questions and comments to We will use them on the show! Help us spread the word about this podcast by leaving a positive rating and review in iTunes. Don't forget to subscribe while you're at it! Help us spread the word about this podcast by posting a tweet.