Back to Basics: Radio

The Music Entrepreneur show

Summary: Is radio still a relevant medium for music marketing? Are there opportunities for independent artists to get played on the radio? In this Back to Basics episode of DAWCast: Music Entrepreneurship, David Andrew Wiebe discusses the merits of radio and how to initiate a radio campaign. Radio Radio is still a great way to get your music heard. Moreover, it can quickly lead to widespread exposure. Unfortunately, there aren't many opportunities for independent artists to be played on commercial radio, except on specialty programs. On the upside, all other types of radio (including College or community radio) do provide artists with a chance to be heard. There are also opportunities for artists to be played on podcasts and internet radio. Artists looking to get on the radio should initiate an organized radio campaign. Here are the steps involved in this process: Create a list of the radio stations you intend to send your music to Prepare your CDs; remove the shrink wrap Decide on the number of CDs you're going to send out; 200 - 500 CDs is common Prepare your envelopes; make sure to address them to a person (i.e. the programmer) Create your one-sheet, which should include a photo, your bio, your contact information, your latest release, and a track list (make sure to highlight or bold the tracks you want to prioritize) Send out your packages Follow up with the stations you sent your CD to Show Notes: David mentions How to Make An Effective Band/Artist One-Sheet Credits: MUSIC: Beau Hall, “Sugar Rush” MUSIC: “Ecstatic”, David Andrew Wiebe © 2009 Listeners: Feel free to leave a comment below. Send your questions and comments to We will use them on the show! Help us spread the word about this podcast by leaving a positive rating and review in iTunes. Don’t forget to subscribe while you’re at it! Help us spread the word about this podcast by posting a tweet.