#049: Allistair Elliott Interview – American Federation of Musicians

The Music Entrepreneur show

Summary: In episode 49 of DAWCast: Music Entrepreneurship, David Andrew Wiebe and Anna Mae Alexander interview Allistair Elliott, a representative of the American Federation of Musicians in Canada. They discuss what music associations can do for musicians, as well as the challenges of balancing music and marketing duties. As Elliott notes in this interview, while schools may teach you how to play an instrument, they don't necessarily teach you marketing and social media and other crucial components of building a successful music career. Not only that, but when it comes to managing all of these different avenues of promotion and staying on top of the constant changes in the online and offline world, it quickly becomes a juggling act. If you've experienced these challenges in the past, you've come to the right place! Listen to this interview, and let us know your thoughts. What are the biggest challenges you are facing in your music career right now? What would it mean to you to overcome those challenges? What would help you most? A blog post, a podcast episode, an audio course, a downloadable PDF, a video, or something else? Don't be shy; leave a comment below! Tweet This Quote: Be careful of exposure, because you can die from exposure. — David Andrew Wiebe (@Dawmusic) October 25, 2014 American Federation of Musicians: In this interview, you will discover what the American Federation of Musicians has to offer artists. Membership benefits include solutions for traveling with instruments, insurance policies, contract guarantees, pension plans, collective bargaining, referral programs, and more. Action Step: Join The Music Entrepreneur Digest, and take a look at our latest audio course, How to Set Up Your Music Career Like a Business. Show Notes: Allistair mentions American Federation of Musicians Anna mentions United Breaks Guitars Allistair mentions Calgary Musicians Association Allistair mentions Matt Epp Allistair mentions Derek Sivers Allistair mentions HostBaby Allistair mentions David Lawery Credits: HOSTS: Anna Mae Alexander, David Andrew Wiebe Listeners: Feel free to leave a comment below. Send your questions and comments to comments@dawcast.com. We will use them on the show! Help us spread the word about this podcast by leaving a positive rating and review in iTunes. Help us spread the word about this podcast by posting a tweet.