The Latest in Longevity Medicine

Healthy Talk show

Summary: Activating one enzyme and boosting production of one energy co-factor can result in significant strides in living longer.Every year, the Life Extension Foundation releases its latest research in longevity medicine. This year, they focused on AMPK. AMPK (adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase), is an enzyme that exists in cellular energy homeostasis. AMPK contains three proteins -- that when combined -- make a functional enzyme. AMPK is found in your cells, plays a major role in your cellular energy balance, and is found in several of your body's tissues such as the brain, liver, and the skeletal muscles. AMPK also improves your longevity. How can you reactive AMPK to improve your health and longevity? Activating AMPK and boosting levels of the energy co-factor NAD are research-supported methods for living a healthier and longer life. One ingredient that can help reactive AMPK is gentamicin pentoxifylline, an herb that is traditionally used in Asian medicine that can also improve body weight, improve your lipid counts and increase fat burning potential. How often should you be taking this pill? A human trial showed optimized benefits with participants taking 450 milligrams daily; splitting up the doses by taking one in the morning and one during lunch. What else do you need to know about AMPK? Dr. Kira Schmid, Associate Director of Scientific Affairs for Life Extension, joins Dr. Mike to discuss the science behind these longevity targets.