Can You Pass the Longevity Test?

Healthy Talk show

Summary: Did you know losing your sense of smell is linked to increased mortality?No one can predict with certainty how long you'll live, but there are certain factors that may provide an indication. For instance, your ability to smell may actually give a hint, according to the results of a new study published in PLOS One. Researchers found that older people with an impaired sense of smell were more likely to die within a five-year period. In the study, researchers tested the olfaction of roughly 3,000 older volunteers aged between 57-85. These volunteers were interviewed at their homes and asked to identify five odors (rose, fish, orange, peppermint, and leather) that were in felt-tipped pens. The results were rated by a total loss of olfaction, some decline, and normal function. Five years after the study was conducted, the researchers examined the mortality rates of the volunteers. Researchers found 39 percent of the volunteers with no sense of smell had died, compared to 19 percent of the volunteers who had a decline in smell, and 10 percent with those who had normal function. What are some tips to help improve longevity? One crucial step is eliminating the stress in your everyday life. It can seem hard in fast paced, chaotic society, but if you have too much stress within your life, your health will begin to decline. What else do you need to know about improving your longevity? Dr. Mike discusses the study that suggests your sense of smell is linked to an increased mortality, and steps you can take reduce your risk. Incorporating more plant based, wholesome foods into your diet can also help increase your longevity.