#16 - StarCast: "Epic Launch Detected"

StarCast: The StarCraft Podcast show

Summary: Episode 16 *News* The obvious: StarCraft II launches worldwide.   Analysts predict sales of up to 7 million copies by the end of the year.  Generating $350 million in sales. Links: http://games.venturebeat.com/2010/07/23/starcraft-ii-could-generate-350m-in-sales-this-year/ http://www.joystiq.com/2010/07/28/analysts-predict-starcraft-2-sales-in-2010-to-be-out-of-this-wor/ http://www.gamespot.com/news/6271382.html Name Thing Your StarCraft II character name will be the only one you get.  When logging into SC2 we were greeted with this: “Welcome to StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty.  When logging into StarCraft for the first time you will be prompted to create your character.  This is the name you’ll go by on Battle.Net and while playing in all multiplayer games.  You only get on shot to choose your permanent character name.  So make it count!” AKA ButtFuz Reviews come late   This is normal with beefy, large-content games.  Much like with MMO’s, gaming sites like IGN and Gametrailers need more time to make a complete review of the game.  Overall reaction to the game is positive however.  But honestly, it’s a Blizzard game.  No surprise there. Kotaku’s Review: http://kotaku.com/5600857/starcraft-ii-wings-of-liberty-review-upgrade-complete?skyline=true&s=i Gametrailer’s Score: 9.5 Gametrailer’s Review: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/review-hd-starcraft-ii/702433 StarCraft II’s campaign can be finished in 16 hours. Strategies Mar writes: hey guys. Here is a strat that will really make your jaws drop. a proxy hatchery. on a 1v1 map u put all of your drones to work BUT 1. the one that u leave out send him to your appoints base and hide him in a dark corner. then as fast as you  make a hatchery in his base. when you start the proxy work on a pool at your main base. then make zerglings from your main to attack the front and make drones from the proxy for spine's.... with a queens and lost of spines/ zerglings you can win in about 8 mins. if you can talk about this strat on the show I'd love it....i love the show it makes work go by very fast. Grimdore writes: I was listening to your podcast, and one of the writers asked about which race combo works best in 2v2, and you mentioned a double zerg team with ling rush is deadly.  This is very true as well as a reaper rush when your playing protoss.  The thing that saves over all is to build to early cannons, and proxy your base around your economy line with the cannons resting behind your bigger buildings. This prevents the lings easy access to your cannons and supply long enough for your cannons to mame. Thanks, Grimdore Matt asks: What is a good counter against roaches? Roger writes: Hey guys, A lot of the listeners seem to have a wrong opinion about Dark Templars. They are amazing units but don't nearly have the potency that some of the listeners describe in the higher tiers. DKs have the distinct disadvantage of diminishing returns, the more you use them the less likely they are going to be useful later (there are exceptions to this of course since it will make the opponent wary of attacking without detectors and may tie up robotics facilities and starports). Think about how many structures are needed before you can fast rush with DKs, You need a Gate, C-Core,Twilight Council and Dark Shrine, if your opponent attacks with a small diverse force you won't be able to defend. For example I once lost against a force of Marines and Hellions.  However thats not to say that Dks are bad units. They are a scalpel unit, use them to make small surgical cuts in your opponents forces that keep him/her busy enough to strike with your main forces. For example using stalkers to attack from the front while you perform a DK drop with warp prism into mineral lines is a great way to use them. Stalkers are your fastest units so you can always pull out if you dont think you can win, but in the mean time your DKs will decimate a