#17 - StarCast: "Would you like some cheese with that Hydra?"

StarCast: The StarCraft Podcast show

Summary: StarCast Show #17 News: Most Valuable Poster Program MVPs are not employees of Blizzard Entertainment. Instead, they're recognized members of the community with strong social skills and understanding of gameplay. Think you have what it takes? No applications are necessary. Simply take to the forums if you’re interested and show us that you're a dedicated StarCraft II player with the drive to help make this community the best it can be. Start posting. Thats the application.link: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/blog/275336 Blizzard is Policing User-Made Maps Blizzard poster Lylirra writes: “While players are encouraged to share the maps they create through Battle.net, published maps are subject to review to ensure that they promote a fun and safe environment for all players. You can learn more about the StarCraft II content policy here:http://us.blizzard.com/support/article/33752 If a map is found to contain inappropriate content, it will be removed from Battle.net and the map maker will be contacted via email. Should a player have any questions or concerns regarding a specific action, he or she is welcome to contact our support representatives by using the following web form:http://us.blizzard.com/support/webform.xml?locale=en_US If you see a player-made map that contains inappropriate content, simply right click on the map image thumbnail under "Details" and then select the "Report this Content" option.” Kotaku writes: The response prompted one player to question why the policy was in place for the second game and not the first, where some of the custom map names were extremely colorful. Community manager Bashiok gave the player the following answer. “Because we can. Literally. We have a support department now of size and ability to enforce these types of things. It simply wasn't possible when our in-game support used to consist of approximately 20 technical support agents. We did, however, actually police Warcraft III maps to a small degree if they were reported. But it was a rather archaic process.” Original Article: http://kotaku.com/5605333/blizzard-policing-inappropriate-starcraft-ii-maps-because-they-can Strategies________________________________________________ Shurafa’s Loot Table vs. Blizzards Beginners Guide Should the nydus worm stop screaming? Jacked by Void Rays and Dark Templars Hector As you may know, many of us are new to starcraft and we're getting our butts kicked online...   Info about strategies online is sparse or it is cryptic jargon people have been using for so long. I think it would be a good idea to have a show that goes over the SC multiplayer lingo and some strategies for each race (maybe a show per race?). At least the do's and don'ts would be awesome! The StarCraft II Dictionary, from Archon to Zergling! Even if you think you're the champion of the Terran and the bane of the Zerg, going online to some forums and seeing strategies will confuse even the most hardened player if they've never seen the terminology before.  Starcraft 1 had its fair share of this, but over the course of the many years of following it most of it could be figured out fairly easily.  With Starcraft 2 around the corner though, we here at Ten Ton Hammer don't want you to be in the dark when watching the best players and hearing seemingly foreign commentary, so here's a good start towards filling out your vocabulary. APM - Actions Per Minute.  Generally refers to your ability to control your units, build more of them, and continually manage your economy and expand it.  Most players will barely break 100, semi-pros hover a little under 200, and the pro level of Starcraft 1 is anywhere from 250-400.  Even if this is calculated through the general clicks and button presses you make, don't make random clicks or spam to raise this stat.  You're only kidding yourself.  We'll elaborate on this in later articles. Macro - Macromanagement skills.  This refers to the beginning of the game and man