BTWN Episode 35 | Molinism Examined | Juggling Geese on the Moon

The BibleThumpingWingnut Network show

Summary: If you thought episode 34 was zesty, well… you ain’t heard nothin’ yet! We started our conversation discussing something we all agree on: the error of Molinism. We reviewed a video of David Wood asking William Lane Craig “What is Molinism?” Here is a link to that video: During the discussion Len referenced a conversation WLC had with Paul Helm on “Unbelievable? Radio” on Premier Radio Network in the UK. Listen to that interaction here: Our conversation on Romans 13 carried over from Episode 34. I’m not sure we’re going to find agreement on the exegesis of the text between the three of us, but we want to hear your feedback. Call us at 720-789-BTWN or email and give us your thoughts. This conversation got rather heated to say the least, that does not cloud the fact that the three hosts are brothers in Christ who truly love one another. When iron sharpens iron, sometimes the sparks fly! Other links for you to check out: John MacArthur - Government in Biblical Perspective (Romans 13:1) John MacArthur - Why Christians Submit to the Government (Romans 13:2-5) Jesus Changes Everything with RC Sproul Jr: Reformed Pubcast interview with RC Sproul Jr: Please rate and review us on iTunes: Join the conversation on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: I think we’re done here