I Love Homeschooling But I Hate Teaching Math – HIRL Episode 31

Homeschooling IRL show

Summary: And I hate teaching science. And writing. Or . . . Let's get real homeschoolers, most of us have at least one subject we don't enjoy teaching. What? That is difficult to justify when we are the ones in charge of teaching all the subjects. So what is a homeschooling parent supposed to do when there are core subjects that must be covered but there is no motivation by mom or dad to get that subject done every week or they feel unqualified to teach it? On this episode of HomeschoolingIRL, Fletch and Kendra discuss the reality of teaching multiple subjects to multiple grade levels, resources for getting some help. Join them as they encourage their listeners to think a little bit outside of the proverbial box. Episode Timeline 5:28 Studio Discussion Part 1 (Sponsored by Compass Classroom) - Sharing our strengths and weaknesses 14:00 Studio Discussion Part 2 (Sponsored by Grapevine Studies) - Staying a step ahead 20:47 Studio Discussion Part 3 - Practical suggestions from Fletch and Kendra 30:14 Listener questions - Fletch's tie-dye wardrobe and parenting with grace. 35:18 Advent Resources/Interview with Amanda White from Truth in the Tinsel   Join Fletch (from <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="http://www.themangotimes.com" target="_blank">theMangoTimes</a>) and Kendra (from <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="http://preschoolersandpeace.com" target="_blank">Preschoolers and Peace</a>) for the HomeschoolingIRL podcast every two weeks as they interview guests and talk through some of the goofiness they have experienced in nearly two decades of <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="http://www.homeschoolingirl.com" target="_blank">Homeschooling In Real Life</a>.