November 22, 2014 | FULL SHOW | #99

Men's Health Live show

Summary: MEN'S HEALTH Editors Peter Moore, Gregg Stebben, Andrew Daniels, and Eric Spitznagel sound off on sexual abuse allegations brought up against Bill Cosby. Then, find out how to stay slim this holiday season without passing on your favorite grub, lock in your Black Friday shopping strategy, learn how to quit smoking, and more. Segment 1: Say it Ain't So, Cos Dozens of allegations have now surfaced against Bill Cosby, the iconic comedic actor seen by many as "America's Dad." Do the allegations permanently cast a shadow over the long-beloved work by Cosby, and is it wrong to for Cosby to face a veritable trial by press? Segment 2: All Men Rapists? MH Editor Peter Moore argues that young men in today's society cannot help but have a keen awareness about sexual assault. Was that true in the 1960's and 70's? We discuss how fear may have played a key role in keeping alleged Bill Cosby abuse victims silent. Segment 3: Sex at Work Do naked women frolic to and fro at the Playboy Headquarters? Peter Moore remembers his days at the mansion, and sounds off on sexual harassment in the workplace. Then, we draw parallels between comedic actors with a sullied past including (allegedly) Woody Allen, (admittedly) Robin Williams and (allegedly) Bill Cosby. Segment 4: The Duke "Rape" Case When the #1 ranked Duke Lacrosse team was falsely accused of raping a woman, the made-up story had a lifelong ripple effect. We examine media's impact during the heated litigation. Changing gears, we learn more about MH Deputy Online Editor, Eric Spitznagel. Segment 5: Gobbler's Workout Getting ready for a turkey day feast? Peter Moore says Thanksgiving morning is the perfect time to get in a workout that packs a punch, and he preps for the annual Moore-family Thanksgiving Day field goal competition. Segment 6: Black Friday Prep Are you gearing up for America's biggest shopping day of the year, known as Black Friday? Peter Moore says skip the crowd and get online, but Gregg confesses he is a late-night Black Friday shopping vet. Segment 7: Fat Thursday? Avoid losing self-control and pigging out over the holidays. Kick-start your fitness regime on Thanksgiving Day. David Jack, who writes MH's "Insider Training" column, tells us how. Segment 8: Change TODAY David Jack, Gregg Stebben and Peter Moore explain why you should start your New Year's fitness or weight-loss resolution now to avoid packing on pounds during the holidays. Find out how the new plug-and-play fitness program, MH 60, can help. Segment 9: Give A Lung Would you donate an organ to a complete stranger? We discuss the growing phenomenon of living organ donors with MH Writer Frank Bures. Segment 10: Donor Drama How will your life change if you donate an organ? MH Writer Frank Bures talks about all the rewards of being an organ donor; including greater satisfaction and happiness in life! Segment 11: Smoking-Free Australians have drastically reduced cigarette smoking rates by swapping out clever packaging with stomach-turning medical photos. MH Writer, Amber Brenza explains why you don't have to move to Australia to use the same trick to help yourself or others to quit. Segment 12: D-Rose: Quitter? After earning the 2011 NBA MVP Award, Chicago Bulls Point Guard, Derrick Rose is now making news for the time he's spending on the bench. Peter wonders: "Should professional athletes be expected to play through the pain even if means enduring lifelong injuries?"