Live Chat:Reggae Artist Did you know you have 13 Economic Rights to your music?

Crs Radio Caribbean Radio Show  show

Summary: ECONOMIC RIGHTS 1. Reproduction Rights - the copyright owner has the right to prevent others from making copies of his music. 2. Distribution Rights - the right of the copyright owner to control the distribution of his music 3. Publishing Rights - the right to make a song 4. Performing Rights - the owner has the right to determine who performs in public the music he has created.5. Recording Rights - this covers the right to make a sound recording or a video recording of a song.6.Rights of Translation - the right to translate or to authorise the translation of a piece of music is solely that of the creator of the work.7.Broadcast and Communication to the public – the owner of copyright has the right to control the broadcast of his music on radio, television and other cable stations. 8. Rights of Adaptation - the owner of copyright has the exclusive right to control the modification of his work into another work.9.Exploitation of the Translation or Adaptation-the copyright owner has the right to control the exploitation in any form of the adaption or translation of his work.10.Length of a Copyright in - Copyright runs from the time of creation till 70 or 50 11.Ownership of a copy Vs. Owner of copyright -The purchase of a piece of music or a full album does not confer on the buyer, copyright. 12.Transfer of Copyright - Copyright ownership can be transferred and this must be done by a written agreement. The transfer (assignment) of copyright only affects economic rights.This transfer could be total or partial. In partial assignment, a music author may transfer his reproduction, translation and adaptation rights to a publisher. He may also decide to split his rights between different persons.13.Transfer of copyright may also be granted for a period of time.1.Fair use:This is purely for non-profit or non-commercial purposes. Playing a complete music is not fair use.Source: 661-467-2407