TNT 1146: Austin Goes on a High-Fiber Diet

Tech News Weekly (Video HI) show

Summary: Lead Anchor: Mike Elgan and Co-Anchor: Joe Panettieri More evidence has come out to show North Korea is behind the hack of Sony Pictures. The FBI has released a "Flash" warning to business's to warn of malware attacks. Hackers released Sony's top executive salaries from information stolen from Sony Pictures last week. Apple is going to court to defend itself from a class-action lawsuit that claims Apple artificially locked rivals out of the iPod/iTunes digital music ecosystem. An Iranian group has hacked airlines, energy companies and defense companies worldwide and unless the group is stopped they could threaten public safety. The Obama administration wants to spend $263 Million to equip law enforcement agencies across the country with body worn cameras. The Genetics company is expanding into the UK with it's personal genome service which provides both ancestry and health diagnostics to its customers. Google has started to roll out fiber gigabit Internet service in Austin, Texas. Lastly, Apple has filed a patent to adjust a phone's orientation during a fall to protect the screen. Download or subscribe to this show at Submit and vote on story coverage at Check out the full show notes for today's episode. We invite you to read, add to, and amend the wiki entry for this episode at Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show. Running time: 45:24