NewsOne Now: Should There Be Nonviolent, Nationwide Protests If Darren Wilson Is Not Charged

Roland Martin Reports Daily Podcast show

Summary: Civil rights icon, Rep. John Lewis, joined Roland Martin on "NewsOne Now" to discuss what is currently happening in Ferguson, Gov. Jay Nixon declaring a state of emergency in Missouri and the looming grand jury ruling that could come at any time. Lewis explained that Ferguson could be a "turning point" for the modern civil rights movement. He told Martin if justice is not served in the Michael Brown case, there could be nationwide protests. When asked if Ferguson could be "the modern day Selma," Lewis said the following: Selma was the turning point. And I think what happened in Ferguson will be the turning point. I think people are waiting, they’re watching, and we’re going to see within the next few days what’s going to happen and that would be massive, nonviolent protests all over America. When we were beaten on that bridge in Selma, people couldn’t take it, for they saw it, they heard about it, they read about it, and it lit a sense of righteous indignation. When we see a miscarriage of justice in Ferguson, they’re going to have the same reaction they had towards Selma. Rep. Lewis also offered some advice to the protesters in Ferguson saying, “Be like a pilot light and not like a firecracker. A firecracker just pops off and it’s gone. A pilot light will continue to burn.” Missouri State Rep. Maria Chappelle-Nadal spoke with Roland Martin and the "NewsOne Now" Straight Talk panel on Tuesday to discuss Gov. Jay Nixon declaring a state of emergency and activating the National Guard in anticipation of the Darren Wilson grand jury decision. Chappelle-Nadal told Martin, “... the governor has made so many different fumbles in this whole ordeal every time he opens his mouth, he is inciting people of my community and we're frankly sick and tired of it." Gov. Nixon's state of emergency declaration concerns Chappelle-Nadal because of "the call for the militia" and "instead of treating the community the way they should be treated ...  [Gov. Jay Nixon]  is treating us as if we are insurgents in Afghanistan or Iraq and frankly we're tired of it." She went on to ask if they "are living in the state of Missouri or in the state of misery?" Chappelle-Nadal added, "Because of the governor's mouth, it seems as though many of the constituents, that I represent are living in a state of misery." Financial guru Deborah Owens, joined Roland Martin on "NewsOne Now" to show you how not to go broke this holiday season. Owens told Martin, "Retailers make 50% of their profits in literally six weeks and they know how to incent you" into buying more than what you intended. Ovens expressed her desire to inform the listening audience of what the traps are. Owens suggested that you read the literature associated with gift cards so that you understand the terms of use.  She also explained you should beware of discounted purchases at the time of checkout when you open up a retailer credit card. Owens said, "What people don't realize is  that retailer credit cards carry some of the highest interest rates, and if you're going to open that card you would eliminate the savings" you initially get. She also highlighted the "12 months interest free financing" as another holiday hoax  to get you to spend lots of money. Owens told Martin, "If you don't pay all of that amount up when that 12 month term is over ... they're going to smack you with all the interest that you would have paid had you not paid that 0% down." Owens added that these interest rates can be "onerous" and can range between 21%  and 23%. All that and more in this edition of the NewsOne Now Audio Podcast.