TKAM 295

TK in the AM: show

Summary: We debate the Jaden and Willow Smith haters for trying to make something out of their NY Times interview. That turns into a conversation about homeschool vs public school and more. Love is a many splendored thing. Charles Mansion is getting married; Saudi man divorces wife at the wedding; Japanese wives air out their husbands by messing with their lunches. FBI is gearing up for negative reactions by calling in the National Guard prematurely as we await the ruling on the Darren Wilson indictment for the murder of Mike Brown. Chatroomies air out, President Obama and his Net neutrality conflict of interest, and what happens when your friends are 2 dimensional? Tune in for some Nas, Illmatic Trivia and a chance to win a pair of tickets to Homage 3: Illmatic, Saturday 8pm at The Schomberg Theater in NYC. First to submit the answer will be announced as the winner on Friday!