BT and CK talk breeder loans and other things

Reptile Radio show

Summary: Most listeners to our show know that reptile breeder loans can be a dicey topic of discussion depending on whom you ask. My belief is that breeder loans between friends and associates can be mutually beneficial, but require a high tolerance for risk on the part of both parties involved. Clearly, sending a valuable animal across the country in the hopes that a lot of variables will go just right and produce a favorable outcome for both parties is not for the risk averse, or those with a weak constitution! One has to be able to eat some unfortunate news occasionally, and one needs to trust one's counterpart 100%. As it turns out, BT and CK are going to participate in exactly such an endeavor this upcoming season, and, they are going to document the progress right here on the show for our listeners. Good times on the way? Or a recipe for disaster? Time will tell! Tune in and find out how the two-letter-fellas end up when the summer 15 babies finally pip their eggs. First installment begins with this show. Wish us luck!