Brian Byrnes: 11-07-2014: Silent Illumination Sesshin (Part 3)

Upaya Zen Center's Dharma Podcast show

Summary: Episode Description: On the third full day of sesshin, Upaya's Joshin Byrnes does two things. First, he explores five "strands" of spiritual endeavor that each require our attention and nourishment (a weave to which Hongzhi is wonderfully alert): namely meditation methodology; study of the words of those who came before; psychology/mental well-being; conceptualization/cohesive map-making; and poetic or intuitive apprehension. Second, Joshin "liberates" Hongzhi "from my particular, perhaps peculiar slant" by opening up the floor for storytime: he invites the assembly to take turns reading and responding directly to a dozen passages of Hongzhi. A good time is had by all. Bio: Joshin Brian Byrnes is a Dharma Holder and student of Roshi Joan Halifax, having receive Hoshi from her in 2014. He is a Zen priest and currently serves as Upaya's President and point person for the Upaya's residency program. He is also the director of Upaya's Chaplaincy program and is a core faculty member with a focus on systems theory. Joshin has a long background working in social service nonprofits and community philanthropy. He worked in the AIDS epidemic throughout the 1990s and since 2003 has led a variety of community foundations focused on social change and community leadership. His academic background includes undergraduate and graduate work in philosophy at St. Meinrad College and Archabbey, theology at the Aquinas Institute at St. Louis University while he was a member of the Dominican Order, and then early music performance at New England Conservatory of Music, and doctoral work in medieval musicology at New York University. He is ever interested in finding ways of life that are both deeply contemplative and fully engaged with the world. To access the entire series, please click on the link below: Silent Illumination Sesshin Series: All 4 Parts