Insert Coin Theater Episode 8

Insert Coin Theater show

Summary: Jorge & Tim talk Rev3Games, Adam Sessler,  Master Chief Collection, Assassin's Creed Unity bugs and glitches, Mega Ran's kickstarter, best innovations in games, and more! Chiptune by TommyTSW - Moments in Time. Thanks for sharing! Buy the album! Music from Jerry Martin (SimCopter), Kevin Riepl (Gears of War), Dan Hess (Pilot Wings 64). Thanks for listening! Songs: Pilot Wings 64: Birdman; Composer Dan Hess Pilot Wings 64 was a launch title for the N64. It was shown off at Nintendo Space World in Nov 1995 when the console was first unveiled and called the “Ultra 64”.   Gears of War: We’re Under Attack!; Composer Kevin Riepl Kevin Riepl (pronounced Ripple) composed the music for many titles, a lot of which seem to have a militaristic feel, including Unreal Tournament 2003/4, Unreal Tournament 3, Crackdown 2, Huxley, Dead to Rights, and Twisted Metal: Black.   SimCopter: Jazz 1; Composer Jerry Martin SimCopter was the first game to feature Simlish, which has been used most commonly in The Sims since. There is also an easter egg that causes half-naked men to crowd around your helicopter and hug and kiss on certain dates. A bug caused hundreds of them to swarm around the helicopter and be slashed up by the blades and then need to be air-lifted to the hospital, earning the player money. It was found shortly after release and removed from later copies of the game; the designer being fired upon discovery for adding unauthorized content to the game and causing Maxis to miss a Christmas season release.   CHIPTUNE THIS EPISODE: Moments in Time by TommyTSW from the album Moments in Time Brisbane, Australia - - Relaxed and expressive; the stringed instruments really add a layer of emotiveness that I don’t think could be captured normally with just the chip sounds. An extremely well-designed piece that would be right at home in a game like Fez. Entire album is enjoyable and if you like this song you’ll definitely like the rest of the album.   Mega Ran, a nerdcore artist who uses samples of Mega Man game music, is holding a kickstarter to get the documentary about Mega Ran and a live band from Mike Cardoza called Mega Lo Mania on Netflix, iTunes, Redbox, and Amazon. Hit $5,000 goal; stretch goals feature receiving a new Megaman album by Christmas, a vinyl of his 2015 album, the Mega Man album on a custom NES cartridge, and more. -- Play Mega Ran’s advo for his kickstarter.   Discussion Topics: Rooster teeth - top 10 innovations in games. Top one was online multiplayer.   Halo MCC came out! Best Halo game?   Coming out soon: GTA V (PS4, Xbox One) DA: I (PS4, Xbox One, PC) Super Smash Bros. WiiU Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire for 3DS