Janai Mestrovich aka Grandma Boom at 65

The Tazz and Paula Show show

Summary: This dynamic Author, Performer, Teacher and Change Agent Janai Mestrovich aka Grandma Boom … is Feisty, Alive and a Shaker at 65!  and lifts life to a whole other level. Her book: Grandma Boom Chronicles – More Alive at 65!   Is a journey with the spirit of human potential in this captivating self-help memoir: Witness the journey of a girl lacking self-esteem who learns how to go beyond genetics to transform a difficult past, unleashing blocked energy. Using keys of wisdom, she changes her destiny. The creative power of imagination, play and fun become healing agents. More alive at 65, Janai Mestrovich, aka Grandma Boom, sees aging as an opportunity to expand human potential. Her book endorsed by Two Hollywood Legends!  … Doris Day and Danny Lockwood “I hope all can learn from this book what I have—that every stage of life has its ups, down, and most importantly, hidden miracles. It made me feel young at heart, even at 90.” ~ DORIS DAY, Hollywood legend and animal welfare activist “Janai Mestrovich’s eccentric, charming, and cross-generational stories are an entertaining and inspiring read. There’s enlightened wisdom in here for anyone—both old and young.” ~ DANNY LOCKWOOD, Music Video Producer for musicians and celebrities including Katy Perry, Jennifer Lopez, and Bruce Springsteen Janai is a TV producer/host/creator/writer and an international spokeswoman with a Master’s Degree in Family and Child Development that interweaves her passion for human potential … a 40 year adventure. She’s pioneered children’s stress prevention programs and is an advocate in holistic awareness for children.