Pod Squatting Part 04

Dicks N' Cider Show show

Summary: Podcast Show #87 So here we go again with Part 04 of Pod Squatting. the finale installment of our trip to Indiana, and the amazing weekend we had with Garagecast Podcast ((thegaragecast.com)). If you have not heard all the other parts, make sure to go and listen in to them as well. What a great time we had. The laughs are still getting talked about. We have not stopped talking to each other about the fun we had. Jake and Brian are two great guys who like to shoot the shit, while squatting in the neighbors garage. In this part 04 we keep on rambling about anything and everything. Picking up with the GOD talk and Erv pulls another crazy thought out his ass, frustrating everyone with the color blue. While Six bows out to get some ZZZ’s. The Connecticut shooting comes up again while Jake supports Erv in the Mandatory Gun Education for Gun Safety, Gun control and opinions fly around the garage about the Puss-a-fication of the Caucasian. Topics from the Documentary Loose Change comes up in regards to 9/11, while things calm down to possibly Tea Bagging Six while he sleeps. We get back into Gaming and the residual effects of playing while Brian ends the show with his exit to sleep. We had a blast with Jake and Brian, and we will be doing something similar again sooner than later. Thanks again for jumping back and forth to catch the entirety of this long ass Podcast. Remember to Subscribe to Garagecast on iTunes, Stithcer Radio App, Twitter((@garagecst)), Facebook, and at thegaragecast.com or on Pod Gods Network at podgodsnetwork.com Happy Holidays!