SP004: Scandal Episode 752

Scandal Podcast show

Summary: Scandal's highly anticipated return had Gladiators ramped up and excited last night!  Join me as I recap the show for you on the Scandal Podcast and talk about the drama going on in the twitter verse regarding the show. Olivia's white jacket and boots from from the first scene of this episode was to die for-cute, cute, cute! Cy fnally meets Jake Huck has a wife, her name is Kim.  Huck's real name is revealed and so much about his background! Harrison has a few vulnerable moments this episode. Charlie is up to his old tricks.  Is he on orders from Cy or is it someone else...? Is there a connection between Jake and Charlie? The Liv & Fitz moment in the hospital when he asks her for another chance?  Blew my mind Mellie gets her panties in a wad and gives Fitz an ultimatum!  I called that! Funniest moment--Harrison sliding all through the hospital in church shoes, lol. Questions about this episode: How does the CIA not know Huck is still alive? You can find my answers to questions 11-20 on the podcast, leave me a voice mail message with your answers or respond below to be featured in the next episode! 30 day Scandal challenge Courtesy of Lenita Dicaprio 1.       Favorite female Character 2.       Favorite male character 3.       Least Favorite Female Character 4.       Least Favorite Male Character 5.       Most annoying character 6.       Favorite episode 7.       Least Favorite Episode 8.       Favorite scene (non Olitz) 9.       Favorite Olitz Scene 10.   Least Favorite scene (non Olitz) 11.   Least Favorite Olitz Scene 12.   Scene that made you laugh 13.   Scene that left you speechless 14.   Favorite case the Gladiators have taken on 15.   Least favorite case the Gladiators have taken on 16.   Best looking character 17.   Most naïve character 18.   Scene that surprised you 19.   Favorite Gladiator 20.   Character you are most like 21.   One thing you dislike about Fitz 22.   One thing you dislike about Olivia 23.   Favorite Olivia outfit 24.   Scene that made you cry 25.   Favorite quote from a Gladiator  26.   Favorite Olivia quote 27.   Favorite Cyrus quote 28.   Favorite Mellie quote 29.   Favorite Fitz quote 30.   Reasons you love the show (be specific)   Speech excerpts of 752 episode courtesy of Scandal Moments                 Twitter Conversations @rjne1407 @YourboyDonnell @jancoxmaine @IamBWash_ @BeBlogalicious @V103Atlanta @TheConnectorTGM   You all made it fun last night! Thanks for the replies and retweets!  Join me on twitter for the next episode @jaha_knight