SP005: Scandal Episode A Woman Scorned

Scandal Podcast show

Summary: A Woman Scorned was Tony Goldwyn's directorial debut episode on Scandal.  He has of course directed a few other shows or whatnot but this is his first Scandal episode.  I do have to note that this episode did seem a little out of sorts.  Let's welcome Huck back from "Shaking off the crazy" this episode.    James told Cyrus that he was offered a position with the BNC television station.  Cy wouldn't have had to run through the underground connection between Blair House and the White House if he paid more attention to the husband. Very early on in this episode we were led to believe that Cy was the mole.  We ALL know that is not how a Scandal episode works.  It has its twists and turns and I wasn't buying that from the start.  Watch 'A Woman Scorned' episode here. I don't know if Fitz directing the episode had any bearing on the amount of times Olivia slammed the door in Jake's face but I found it hilarious and strangely just.  I don't know what's going to happen when fitz finds out she gave him some of the precious jewel between her legs but that didn't seem to give him reason for pause when she was getting down with Edison. Sex with other people isn't a deterrent between Fitz and Olivia though.  Fitz just had pity sex with Mellie a few episodes back so if he can do that I'm sure Olivia can get down with the get down. How cool is it that Jake was watching Charlie watch him and Liv have sex.  I would think he'd know that if Jake is a peeping Tom, he should have assumed he was being watched as well. Poor Huck can't remember simple details as they try to get a bead on Charlie.  They had a lead for a while with Charlie's sugar addiction.  Quinn did a great job with her fake detective work and here the lady behind the counter gives her all the details of what Charlie likes--kind of unrealistic. Abby got to Olivia this episode when she prodded her on the Cyrus may be a mole thing. David doesn't seem to be asked to join Pope and Associates, he is just integrated as a part of Pope and Associates as he helps more and more with them working on cases and unravelling mysteries. She goes to the white house in those gloves that had everybody all a-twitter [box type="note"] @TorrenceG Someone explain these gloves to me... It's a little affected. If you don't need a coat, you don't need gloves lol #Scandal @carnivaltenten That's it. I'm walking around with white gloves on to emphasise my anger in conversation as necessary. #Scandal [/box] ‏[box type="note"]@SabiaCoruja Mellie IS an infectious disease. #Scandal[/box] Cyrus goes back to Blair House to try to negotiate with Mellie. Honey boo boo, this is not a love match.  What is your problem?  You had a political marriage and Fitz does not nor has he ever loved you.  We learned that full fact episodes ago. Mellie tells Cy that Olivia has just left the White House and tells him how he aint got no friends in the White House.  Cy is dumbfounded by finding out that Olivia was just there.  He seems kind of disgusted by the fact that he's working himself into a heart attack and Fitz is still carrying on business as usual with Olivia. Huck informs Olivia that Charlie killed Amanda Tanner and he doesn't want her dead too since she's also sleeping with the President. Cyrus offers to get rid of Olivia--I want to slit his throat at this point because he is pissing me off and he has the nerve to call Jake off of his post with Olivia and Jake is not playing that.  I don't know what boom dynamite Olivia has between them thighs but ....chile... Jake has the nerve to go inside with Olivia and wants to play some version of Truth or Dare. You tell me something and I'll tell you something.  He wants Olivia to admit that her and the president are together.  Olivia looks him right in the face and lies.  Honey, you are not going to come in between Olivia and the Scandal POTUS.  Olivia seems really emotional this episode,