Elite Force Podcast 11-11-14 (Interstellar) Now Archived


Summary: The Season Finale is at hand as The Cybermen<br> are coming and The Master or Missy is up to<br> her old Trick.<br> and It’s time for a Intersteller good time.<br> The Elite Force Podcast is back<br> as as Doctor Who month comes to a End<br> (Well tell Christmas)<br> On This Episode (November 11th)<br> .Walkie, Mindwipe and Ashley Review the 2 Part Finale<br> of Doctor Who in what was a fun Back and forth between<br> the Three<br> .Walkie gave his Review of Interstellar<br> .also Long Time Listener Admiral Q answers Mindwipe<br> Challenge as he sents in a Voicemail<br> all This on the Tuesday Elite Force Podcast<br> <a href="http://www.snsradionetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/EFP_111114pod.png"></a><br>