The New Mom Life :: Victoria Wilson {Ep. 46}

Don't Mom Alone Podcast  show

Summary: I remember the transition into motherhood being a bit like a slap in the face (but with all the smooshy love feelings. . .of course).<br> “You mean they are going to just let me walk out of the hospital with this baby? But I don’t know what I’m doing!”<br> And that quote came from someone (me) with a Master’s Degree in 0-3 child development, a lifetime of babysitting experience and at least seven Cabbage Patch Kids.<br> It’s hard to go from only worrying about your needs (and your spouse’s) to keeping a human being alive. . .24/7.<br> <br> This week God impressed upon my heart the need to encourage the new mom readers/listeners. He kept repeating himself.<br> Then I got <a href="" target="_blank">Victoria Wilson</a>‘s email message about guest posting on my site from the perspective of a new mom. And I did the natural (crazy) thing and scheduled a time to interview/chat with her. . .and recorded our convo to publish for y’all.<br> <a href=""></a><br> If you know a new mom who needs encouragement that she’s not alone in all-the-feelings, then pass this podcast along.<br> What we chat about:<br> <br> * Importance of knowing you aren’t alone in your mental struggles with this new role.<br> * The mom spectrum–from not wanting to be a mom to always wanting to be a mom, but having a hard time with the reality.<br> * How your marriage is affected by a new baby–the mom’s center shifting towards the child and the husband being left out.<br> * How to not micromanage your husband’s interaction with the baby.<br> * The appropriate use of technology to keep your marriage healthy.<br> * Remembering you have children in your home less time than you will be a mother to adult children.<br> * Coming to an agreement with your husband on parenting issues–sleep training, etc.<br> * The benefit of husbands who aren’t overly influenced by parenting trends. . . listening to his perspective before running them over with all-the-articles.<br> * When parenting resources conflict, what should parents do?<br> * Remembering God made you for your baby and trusting He gave you all you need to care for him/her.<br> * Physical strength from the Lord is a real thing.<br> * How motherhood takes you to your most broken, most reliant place.<br> * My husband’s favorite advice for new parents.<br> * How to transition from no kids to kids, with your girl friendships.<br> * Ideas for connecting with other new moms.<br> * Tips for extroverts in getting social needs met.<br> * Importance of having a “thing” you pour yourself into outside of motherhood.<br> * Don’t use every nap to clean up the house–a permission slip to nap yourself and do your soul thing.<br> * Making time in your schedule for God–figure out what time works best for you.<br> <br> Connect with Victoria:<br> <a href="" target="_blank">Blog</a> :: <a href="" target="_blank">Twitter </a>:: <a href="" target="_blank">Facebook</a> :: <a href="" target="_blank">Instagram</a> :: <a href="" target="_blank">Pinterest</a><br> Show Notes:<br> <br> * <a href="" target="_blank"></a> –Victoria’s favorite new mom reads<br> * Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child by Marc Weissbluth (**Amazon affliate link)<br> * “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” (Psalm 139:13)<br> * Gone Girl (not “Girl Gone” like I labeled it on the podcast…oi...